Founded in 2021, Handgun Hunter’s Competition is a fun and challenging match that gives you the chance to take your favorite hunting handguns out and ring some steel. HHC is held in Newcastle, WY which is surrounded by the Black Hills and many tourist attractions are nearby.
HHC is focused around four handgun divisions which cover the vast majority of hunting handguns. We have pistol/revolver iron sight division, pistol/revolver optics division, rimfire, and single shot pistol division. Rules on these firearms can be found in a document on the rules and information page.
We focus on hits! Only hits count when you are hunting and we award more points for a first round hit and only half the points if you connect on the second shot after missing the first.
We have multiple stages where you will shoot from your choice of realistic field positions at steel targets placed at reasonable ranges. We have generous time limits and do not force you to shoot from unrealistic field positions. All stages are run by the Match Director prior to the event to ensure all targets are reasonable and all positions are possible to obtain reasonable accuracy.
Competitors provide their own field shooting rest, bags, and supports just like they would when they go hunting. We do have some restrictions applied to these to reduce the “equipment race”. These rules can be found in a document on the rules and information page.
HHC is designed to help handgun hunters build upon their skill set, introduce new handgun hunters to the sport, show competitors the capabilities and limitations of handgun hunting, and to have fun!
“Doing the impossible with a handgun”
Our stages and location change every year to give you the most realistic and unpredictable stages possible.
Competitors will work together to spot shots, score, time, and help one another. This is a friendly competition!
Handgun Hunter's Competition
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